you will discover a key to customer experience management for more advice and tips to help you in business make sure to click the link you see in this video earlier I mentioned that we have this channel we go on to almost it's like business communication mode where you're talking to your friends and you're saying hey how's it going hey would you do the other day oh great man did I tell you about this and then a customer calls and we're like hello yes Evan pagan speaking altitude program what can I do to help you let me check my manual and get back to you is that what people want no they they truly want when you call for you to say hi how are you I'm glad you called what can I do where yeah what's your problem what' s the situation you're going through what do you need what can I do to help how can I assist you getting what you want it's a different mode of communication it's a different way of communicating and you can do it in a professional way okay when your customers call you don't have to go a dude what up it's altitude and you can find that happy medium hello Frank would like it if I answer the phone that way a lot so let's talk about the way that you build a relationship with another person I've thought a lot about this as you might imagine coming from the dating advice world and also from marketing and I see that there area lot of parallels and ultimately the more you do things the more you do different things the more you study different processes especially processes that involve humans the more you see that there are a lot of common a l ities and what I've seen and I realize I'm not the first one that's ever seen this but we all go through a few simple general steps when we're connecting with and making friends with another person the first step we go through is attention where we have the attention of the other person or we get their attention there's some attention-getting thing you're going about your life and all of a sudden this other person's there and they've got your attention you stop what you're doing and you pay attention to them the next step is connection there's some connect some we're right oh you're a Padres fan I'm a Padres fan you love Jethro Tull I love Jethro Tul l you're in marketing I'm in marketing you live in California I live in California it's always some connect that happens starts this rapport building process but there's always a connection there's got to be a connect or and then finally there's a commitment we get past the connection and we say you know what this is something that I'm going to be committed to this is a real this is a friend this is somebody that I want to have a relationship with and when you have that attention connection commitment process happen this is not something that happens intellectually right we don't say okay I'm going to pay attention to this person oh I see the connection so that's logical so we should continue to develop the dialogue and oh you know what I'm going to make the logical decision to make a commitment to this person all emotional all unconscious not things that we are conscious of having happen and in business when we have this I mean and this is the process that we go through when we're marketing right we run ads to try to get someone's attention we write some copy or we send out promos or we do whatever to you know engage them and connect with them on an emotional level and get them amped up and then we want a commitment on the relationship we want them to buy something how do you know someone's committed to you they act on it they behave in a way that shows that they' recommitted so that's what we're asking of our customers have you ever considered maybe trying to do that for them because guess what your customer wants the exact same thing from you it's what you want from other businesses you want them to pay attention to you you want the business to connect with you and you want the business to commit to you and demonstrate that commitment and in most business processes that I look at most marketing processes conversion processes that are broken this is absent there is no I'm demonstrating to my customer that I want to pay attention to them and that I have paid attention to them there is no demonstrating to them I want to connect to you I me as a person I'm interested in you and I want to connect to you and there is no and I'm so committed to this thing that you're trying to get done that I will make the commitment to help you get there and I'm going to act on it let me show you let me prove it to you that spirit just is not inside of it it's here's what I'm selling you should be fortunate enough to buy it from me that's it I put my wares out on a table and if you're too stupid to buy them then that's your problem I get a lot of experts content experts topic experts that if they see me talk or they see one of my products they come to me and they go oh I've been looking for you all of my life I've spent 20years developing the ultimate poodle clipping system and method where you can take any pair of shears and shear your poodle in seven minutes and it comes out perfect every time and I just haven't found someone to help me market it right it's very spooky when I hear that and then I say well how about this there area couple of interesting sales and marketing books that I recommend that you read when you read these and then get back to me and maybe I can work with you and help you a little bit and they go oh no no you don't understand I don't want to do any of that sales and marketing stuff I'm not good at any of that stuff I just want to be the best poodle clipping seven-minute technique developer the world's ever known let that sales and marketing stuff that's for somebody else we all think that our ideas and our products are the best in the world the best the world's ever seen we think everyone should just see them and go it's self-evident I would suggest that you try just recommend may be testing out broadcasting to your customers you know what I'm going to pay attention to you I'm going to connect to you I want to connect with you and I want to make a commitment to help you get the result you're looking for deliver you from pain deliver you into the pleasure that you want give you the result just try that something that inspired me by the way is I've seen this process but there was something that helped catalyze it I guess or kind of just sum it up and crystallize it I have three books in my collection each one are profound the first one is called the attention economy the second one is called the experience economy and the third one is called the support economy I said no wait a minute these client it can't be an attention economy an experience economy and the support economy because every one of them is saying this is the answer but then I realized that they're all right they're just talking about different phases of the relationship the attention economy is about getting the attention of the customer the experience economy is about giving the customer and experience that they enjoy the experience I believe of being connected with and to and the support economy is about supporting the customer in the result that they want delivering the result taking them by the hand and leading them to the promised land so as it turns out the it is the attention economy the experience economy and the support economy all rolled in to one you

thanks for reading