very shield VPN service called Nord VPN got hacked somewhere in 2018 basically one of the servers got compromised and the attacker was able to get access to all the data that was going through the server for the whole month until North EPN discovered it and shut the whole thing down now I've been meaning to do write this article for a while now and the whole lore DPN situation was just an additional motivation sort of and in this article I want to tell you that you probably shouldn't be using a VPN at all while with a few minor exceptions of course let's get started first of all full disclosure a lot of what I'm gonna say in this video is based on this very good github just like joepie 91 in which he described why one should be using VPN services and I agree on a lot of what he says but I want to extend it and kind of elaborate on some points that I disagree on thing is a lot of DBM providers employ so-called bait-and-switch tactics which means they advertise one thing and at the end you get something completely different that you didn't sign up for they all have those flashy websites and advertisements where they promise you ultimate privacy and absolute protection from any kind of track you know spying or what-have-you whereas actually VPNs don't really protect your privacy or anything the only thing a VPN server does is it takes all of your web traffic and it passes it through itself so that your internet service provider or your employer

doesn't see what websites exactly you 
visit it only sees the VPN address and that's basically it your privacy is not going to be magically improved by just using the VPN because you still use your real IP address to log into VPN service and even though pretty much every VPN service says that they don't log your activities they have a no lock policy and trusting those claims is the only thing can do really there's no way to check whether your provider actual logs activities or not there is no transparency about it ever besides if you're using VPN service to connect to your online accounts such as Twitter Facebook or Instagram it becomes really easy to trace your identity to VPN service and it kind of defeats the purpose of using VPN for privacy to be honest so the only thing you're accomplishing by using VPN service is hiding your web activity from one untrustworthy party that is your internet service provider and showing it to another one possibly even more untrustworthy moreover if a VPN service that you using is based in US is obliged by law to provide any kind of user data that it has including your data also and in a lot of cases those requests are also accompanied by a so-called gag order which means that the company is obliged to submit any kind of user information that it has and it's also obliged to keep silent about it some VPN providers can also potentially work as a honeypot they basically operate on an assumption that if you'r using vpn tht will be not safe for you. ok 

see you soon